

Summer of ’24 has already broken heat records here in New England, 但我们主要研究社区的一些人却保持冷静. 以下是我们的“猫”们度过三伏天的五种方法.


Three researchers from 主要研究’s world-renowned Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping — director Larry Mayer, 副导演布莱恩·考尔德, 助理研究教授Liz Weidner ' 23G - 是在格陵兰北部的瑞典破冰船奥登号上吗. 他们正在绘制这片未开发地区的海底地图, contributing to our understanding of the melting Greenland Ice Sheet and its impact on sea level rise.



At 瑞典阿比斯库研究站, professor of Earth sciences Ruth Varner and a team of researchers, 包括联合国大学的学生, sample permafrost to learn how its thawing is affecting Arctic lakes and streams. 同样在瑞典,主要研究的研究人员和学生 追逐退缩的冰川 at the Tarfala 研究 Station to understand how glacially ground-up rock transforms into soils and ecosystems.



了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏宇宙起源的知识, assistant professor of physics Fabian Kislat uses special gamma ray detectors inside a dilution refrigerator that keeps his experiments at a cool minus-460 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature of space and the lowest temperature that can theoretically be reached.

Gold-colored scientific apparatus stacked in a dilution refrigerator


调查是否 运动时暴露在寒冷中会增加能量消耗 并且可能有助于降低肥胖率, kinesiology major Jack Souza ’25 recruits research subjects to ride an indoor bicycle at room temperature and at a brisk 39 degrees.

研究er looks at a computer while a subject rides an exercise bicycle behind glass


浅滩海洋实验室, 位于缅因湾阿普尔多岛上的一个偏远的野外观测站, 捕捉到远离大陆的凉风. 和浅滩, 本科海洋教育的领导者, abounds with opportunities for students to get their feet — and more — wet.
