可持续性 Institute

Driven by our collective commitment.
United by global goals for a sustainable future.

作为公共土地, sea- and space-grant institution, UNH has been dedicated to the public good for over 150 years. 可持续发展, the collective commitment to human dignity for all people and ecological integrity in all places, is fundamental to the public good and is a core UNH value.

UNH is home to the oldest endowed sustainability program in the U.S.  As we look to the future, we will act with courage to build powerful 协作s that can deepen UNH’s commitment to sustainability and enhance our contributions in our communities. 

Our long-time commitment drives us today to bring diverse people and ideas 在一起 to make UNH a model sustainable learning community - reaching across and beyond campus to engage state, 区域, 国家, and inter国家 合作伙伴 to advance sustainable solutions, 在一起. 


The 可持续性 Institute’s mission is to be a catalyst, 召集人, and champion of sustainability ideas and actions across and beyond the University of New Hampshire. We foster a culture of sustainability that permeates the civic, 专业, and personal lives of members of our community. We embrace the notion of a “sustainable learning community”; a community in which everyone learns, and everyone and everything that we do teaches.



We work 在一起 to advance sustainability across UNH and beyond:

  • To encourage and support faculty and staff to advance sustainability in academics, 研究 and operations
  • To serve as the backbone organization for 区域 sustainability networks
  • To engage students in sustainability through academics, opportunities at the 可持续性 Institute, and the 项目 of the Changemaker Collaborative, our 合作伙伴hip with 彼得·T. Paul College of Business & 经济学 and the Carsey School of Public Policy

Read Our Annual Report

UN's Sustainable Development Goals icon chart

What is 可持续性?

At the UNH, the concept of sustainability is firmly rooted in our 150-year history. We use a community-based approach to learning and a systems approach to solving problems. 

The 1992 Earth Summit was an unprecedented global gathering of heads of state and representatives from more than 170 governments, including the United States. The summit reoriented inter国家 development into a more holistic framework that integrated the principles of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic vitality to meet the needs of present and future generations. This approach guided the initial efforts of the 可持续性 Institute.

Today, our view of sustainability as a collective commitment to human dignity for all people and ecological integrity in all places is built upon an inter-generational, ethical obligation that holds social justice, 协作, and inclusive prosperity to be essential to fulfill diverse human potential and preserve the health of the planet upon which we all depend. This manifests as an ethic that compels us to respond to urgent, complex challenges with trans-disciplinary approaches that involve diverse 合作伙伴, 在校园内外. 

可持续性 Across UNH

students walking in city

& 订婚

UNH's home for experiential student education and engagement in sustainability is the Changemaker Collaborative, a 合作伙伴hip of the 可持续性 Institute, 彼得·T. Paul College of Business & 经济学 and the Carsey School of Public Policy.



可持续性 is woven into everything we do – from how we operate our facilities and travel around the area, to the ways we grow and develop as a sustainable learning community and celebrate champions of sustainability on campus. We support staff and faculty and serve as a resource to advance sustainability in academics, 研究 and operations.

woman talking to audience


We cultivate robust connections with community 合作伙伴 and support them through hosted networks. These networks advance systemic sustainable change in New Hampshire, New England and beyond while providing dynamic internship and 研究 opportunities for UNH faculty and students

Professor teaching a class


Our faculty and staff lead purpose-driven problem solving that addresses deep scientific questions and societal needs in 协作 with 合作伙伴 from across disciplines and sectors, thereby making collaborative scholarship the norm rather than the exception.

任务部队 & 委员会

教师, staff and students from across campus also serve on critical sustainability-related task forces and committees –collaborating across fields, disciplines and sectors of society, working in creative and often unconventional ways. The 可持续性 Task Force is the overarching coordinator, and it ensures that this work is guided by a shared vision. 

可持续性 Institute Team

Dr. 汤姆·凯利

Dr. 汤姆·凯利

Chief 可持续性 Officer, UNH
Executive Director, 可持续性 Institute

Founder of the 可持续性 Institute in 1997, Dr. Kelly has focused on sustainability as a transformative cultural force, and the creative process of engaging its disruptive and inspirational dynamics in education, 研究, 和实践. He co-edited and authored "The Sustainable 学习ing 社区: One University's Journey to the Future" (2009), in 协作 with more than sixty UNH faculty and staff engaged in collaborative sustainability efforts on and beyond the campus that have established UNH as one of the most innovative sustainability institutions in higher education. 阅读更多

Dr. 菲奥娜•威尔逊

Dr. 菲奥娜•威尔逊

Deputy Chief 可持续性 Officer, UNH
Director, 可持续性 Institute

Dr. 威尔逊 is also an affiliate  Clinical Associate Professor of Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and 可持续性 at 彼得·T. Paul College of Business & 经济学. Fiona  was previously a founder and Executive Director of UNH’s Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise, now the Changemaker Collaborative, which offers sustainability-related high-impact 项目 steeped in real-world experiential learning, with a mission to inspire, train and support the next generation of leaders with the confidence and competence to drive sustainable change in their careers.


Professional and Student 工作人员

While we are in a turbulent time, our team is full of a sense of possibilities for fundamental change.

We believe now is the time to ask the hard questions, work to change outdated models and structures that perpetuate injustice and the climate crisis, and help facilitate new approaches. By developing networks, 建立在信任之上, it allows us to feed and follow those possibilities and that can ensure a world that is truly regenerative and equitable.


Sustainable 学习ing 社区 Stories

Featuring our work and the work of our sustainable learning community across UNH – learn about the people, 项目, 事件, initiatives and 研究 behind our commitment to sustainability.


Dr. Katharine Duderstadt collaborates to better understand exposure to industrial air pollution
Dr. Katharine Duderstadt collaborates with Cherokee Concerned Citizens through AGU’s Thriving Earth Exchange to better understand their exposure to in... 了解更多
Over 100 UNH students from across all UNH colleges presented their 研究 into a wide variety of sustainability challenges, 从本地到全球. 了解更多
Internship Opportunities for Students in NH
Introducing "Semester for Impact," our university's innovative internship program designed to empower students and organizations to make a difference.... 了解更多