
Psychiatric Consultation/Psychiatry Scope of Service

Medication may be helpful for students struggling with depression, anxiety and other emotional concerns and UNH’s psychiatric services can be of assistance when seeking to establish treatment for complex mental health challenges. Please note that there may be times when due to high demand the wait for psychiatry services is lengthy, and students may be able to receive services sooner off campus, 包括通过他们的初级保健提供者. 进一步, once students have established a stable medication plan, they are typically referred to their 初级保健提供者 for continued care as needed.

如果你去社区看心理医生, please ask your therapist to refer you to a psychiatric provider in the community. If you have a psychiatric provider at home, we recommend that you continue seeing that provider.

有时, 长期的管理, 慢性, and/or complex psychiatric conditions is beyond the scope and/or capabilities of our service. 如果有这种需要, PACS can work closely with you to find community resources that better serve your needs. 请注意research has repeatedly shown that for most conditions, when treatment with medication is combined with psychotherapy, clinical outcomes are significantly better than when medication is taken alone.


How can I make an appointment with a psychiatric provider?

You can be referred for UNH’s psychiatry services by your therapist at PACS or a 初级保健提供者 at 健康 & 健康. Treatment for certain mental concerns may include 医学评估, 实验室, and/or meeting with a dietician prior to continuing treatment due to concerns of medical instability. 在所有情况下, it is expected that you follow the essential recommendations of their provider and, 如果你选择不跟随他们, you can be referred for treatment in the community instead.

You may be, and students in generally are, referred to care in the community if you need:

  • 密集的门诊项目, 住院治疗或住院治疗
  • 疼痛管理
  • ECT /经颅磁刺激
  • Medication assisted management for substance use disorders
  • Weekly psychiatric services for more than 3 sessions
  • Medication and psychotherapy with the same provider
  • 就业评估, the courts, for attorneys, or for police-related arrests
  • Treatment when on leave of absence or after graduation.

The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 (UNH) offers a range of mental health services to support the well-being of its students and their academic success. UNH’s psychiatric services can be of assistance for students seeking to establish treatment for complex mental health challenges, 比如重度抑郁症, 某些焦虑症, 以及其他重要的情感问题.



  • 最初的评估这个评估可能包括面试, 筛选问卷, 病史回顾, 医学评估, 实验室, and/or an appointment with a dietician prior to establishing or continuing with treatment due to concerns of medical instability.
  • Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Medication Management: Psychiatric services at UNH include diagnostic evaluations and providers work with students to develop an individualized treatment plan. Treatment plans may include recommendations for therapy, 药物管理, 或者两者的结合. Our providers will help to assess the effectiveness of medications, 调整剂量, 并监测任何副作用或并发症. 研究 has repeatedly shown that for most conditions, when treatment with medication is combined with psychotherapy, clinical outcomes are significantly better than when medication is taken alone.
  • 与PACS合作: Our providers may work in collaboration with counselors or therapists from 健康 & 健康,PACS或社区. This collaboration ensures a coordinated approach to mental health care and allows for comprehensive treatment planning.
  • 危机干预: Our providers may be involved in responding to mental health crises on campus. 他们可能提供即时干预, 评估风险, 并决定适当的行动方案, 可能包括住院治疗, 转介至紧急服务, 或其他适当的支持.
  • 咨询和教育: Our providers consult with other healthcare professionals, 教师, 以及员工的心理健康问题. They may also participate in educational initiatives, 研讨会, and outreach programs to raise awareness about mental health and promote well-being within the university community.

While psychiatry services can be beneficial for some students, these services may not be appropriate or clinically indicated. 进一步, the availability of psychiatric services at UNH may vary based on available resources and the evolving needs of the university community.

Here are some instances where psychiatry services at UNH are contraindicated:

  • 轻度或暂时性困难: For students experiencing mild or temporary difficulties, 比如调整问题, 乡愁, 或者学业压力, 精神病学服务可能不是必需的. 而不是, 其他支持性资源,比如咨询, 同侪互助小组, 或者学术顾问可能更合适.
  • 首选非药物治疗方法: Some individuals may prefer non-medication approaches to mental health support. 在这种情况下, 选择支持, 治疗方法, 咨询, or psychotherapy might be more suitable than treatment focused on 药物管理.
  • 已经从事有效的治疗: If a student is already receiving effective treatment through another mental health professional, 比如心理学家或治疗师, 初级保健提供者, 或精神科医生, and does not require modification of their medication(s), additional 精神病学服务可能不是必需的.
  • Long-standing, 慢性, and/or complex psychiatric conditions:一些长期存在的, 慢性, and/or complex psychiatric conditions are beyond the scope and/or capabilities of our service. Students struggling with such conditions may be referred to other providers in the community or in other settings, 比如医院, 或重症/住院治疗中心.