
While we strive for every housing assignment and 室友 match to be one you are comfortable with, sometimes there is a need for a student to request a room change. The process to do so varies, depending on the time of the year and your situation. Review the information below to determine what your next steps should be.

During the first (approximately) two weeks of every semester, 住房 has a "room freeze." We do not make room changes during this time, as we need to get a full picture of who has showed up and checked-in, and where our open spaces will be due to no shows, 取款, 等. This is a standard practice every semester.

Select the situation that applies to you:

If you are hoping to move to a different on-campus space, you should first check-in with your Residence Hall Director (RHD) or the Apartment Managers. Your RHD or manager will talk with you about why you want to move and determine how best to proceed. If a room change is warranted, your RHD or manager will work with you one-on-one to determine what alternative spaces may be available. 一般, students who are more flexible in their housing preferences (room type, 位置, 室友, 等.) have higher chances of finding a new space. The more restrictive your preferences are, the smaller chance a new space is available. Please keep in mind that mid-year, the majority of the on-campus spaces are occupied and an immediate move might not be possible. 

A Room Change Request (RCR) form is available during the Spring semester. This is an application (in your 房地产门户网站) that you must complete by the deadline. If we are able to offer you an alternative space based on your preferences, you will be contacted via email and must accept or decline your offer within a specified deadline. If you accept the offer, you will also be required to move to your new space by a deadline provided by 住房. Be sure to continually monitor your UNH email for information about this process.

  • January 23, 2024 (12PM-Noon)- January 31, 2024 (12PM-Noon) - Submit your application via the 房地产门户网站 by navigating to the "住房 Application" tab within this timeframe
  • Around February 2, 2024 - Room offers will be made via your UNH email

If a space (bed) opens in your room and you have in mind another student you can pull-in, email 住房@wolaipei.com 让我们知道. This person must be another student who is eligible to live on-campus and in your community (i.e. first-year only halls can only house first-year students).

If you do not have a request to pull in another student, the bed will remain vacant and could be filled at any time. 请检查您的 房地产门户网站 frequently to view updated 室友 information.