
  • 在新罕布什尔州,一只红色的狐狸被相机捕捉到

    一只红色狐狸的图像(Vulpes Vulpes)在新罕布什尔州东南部被一个摄像机捕捉到.

  • 新罕布什尔州的一个相机陷阱捕捉到了一条强壮的鱼

    费雪(Pekania pennanti)

  • 新罕布什尔州的一个陷阱捕捉到了两只小鹿的照片

    两只白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus)

  • 新罕布什尔州的一个相机陷阱捕捉到一只忙碌的豪猪的照片

    北美豪猪(Erethizon dorsatum)

  • 在新罕布什尔州,一只山猫在雪地里的照片被一个陷阱捕捉到了


  • 新罕布什尔州的一个陷阱捕捉到了一只土狼的照片


  • 新罕布什尔州的一个陷阱捕捉到了一只土狼的照片


  • 在新罕布什尔州,一只野兔在雪地里的照片被一个陷阱捕捉到了


  • 在新罕布什尔州,一只雪地里的负鼠被一个陷阱捕捉到了

    弗吉尼亚负鼠(Didelphis virginiana)

  • A map showing the approximate locations of the various camera traps used in this study in southeastern New Hampshire.

    A map showing the approximate locations of the various camera traps used in this study in southeastern New Hampshire.


在对新罕布什尔州农村和郊区12种哺乳动物活动的研究中, researchers found that bobcats and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares) reduced their activity in suburban areas, 而鹿和土狼则在晚上变得更加活跃. The study results highlight how mammals change their behavior in complex ways to adapt to growing suburban development.


相机陷阱: 用于捕捉野生动物图像或视频的动作激活相机.


  • 当动物经过摄像机前时,动作触发会被激活.
  • 红外传感器可以昼夜探测动物.
  • 安装在离地面约50厘米的树上,面朝北.
  • 无饵故意避免吸引动物.
  • 清除前面的视界以减少植被的错误触发.

Exurbanization: 生长密度低, 半农村住房和主要城市中心以外的社区, 导致发展和人口扩散到以前未开发的地区. 这创造了一个混合了自然土地的郊区住房矩阵.

生境破碎: The division and isolating of habitats into fragmented patches due to expanding human development and infrastructure, 就像城市化所发生的那样. 这分割和缩小了野生动物赖以生存的完整栖息地.

新罕布什尔农业实验站科学家的新研究 雷明顿摩尔 looks at how some of the Granite State’s mammals respond behaviorally as people from urban areas increasingly move to rural areas, 导致住房密度和栖息地的变化. 在最近发表于 城市生态学杂志Moll,以及主要作者和主要研究研究生研究助理 Mairi Poisson ' 23G, 主要研究研究生研究助理 安德鲁·巴特勒11届和他们的合作伙伴来自 新罕布什尔渔猎店, find that mammals change their behavior in complex ways to adapt to growing rural development. 最终, 他们的发现表明,哺乳动物会改变自己的行为来适应不断扩大的发育, 哪些可以作为未来人口影响的早期预警信号.

花岗岩州的人从新罕布什尔州的城市搬到了 更多郊区社区和更多经济适用房, 它促进了以前农村地区的发展, transforming these zones into exurbs — area outside the city that are less densely populated than suburbs, 但比农村地区更密集. Not much is known yet about the behavioral responses of mammals to the changing habitat as it becomes more fragmented, 主要是住宅. 为了更好地了解对哺乳动物的影响, 研究小组研究了他们的活动水平和模式, 特别是比较农村和郊区的活动.


The researchers used 104 motion-activated cameras placed in rural and suburban locations in the Seacoast and Southeastern parts of New Hampshire to photograph mammals over time. 每当动物进入视野时,相机就会自动拍照. 研究小组将研究重点放在13种经常被发现的哺乳动物上:山猫, 土狼, 费雪, 白尾鹿, 红狐狸, 灰狐狸, 东部条纹臭鼬, 东方棉尾兔, 维吉尼亚负鼠, 浣熊, 北美豪猪和雪靴兔.


图1 说明了位于美国新罕布什尔州的研究区域. 研究人员在该地区设置了104个摄像机陷阱点(用蓝星表示), 横跨郊区和农村地区. 中部以乡村为主,以原生植被为特征, 主要由混交林组成的. In contrast, the eastern and western edges of the area are marked by significant urban development. 描述研究区域布局的地图是基于 2019年全国土地覆盖数据库 来源:Dewitz (2021).

The researchers analyzed the timing of the camera images to see if mammal activity levels and daily patterns differed between rural and suburban sites, and they tested hypotheses about whether species with larger ranges or more daytime activity would change behaviors more in suburban areas.

The team identified both species- and season-specific responses to exurbanization by the animals studied, 解释了泊松, and discovered that there wasn’t any uniform response to exurbanization across the entire mammal community.

“一些物种, 比如白尾鹿, 在冬季减少了他们在郊区的整体活动,但在夏季没有,泊松说. “就活动模式而言, 一些物种确实在城市化的影响下变得更喜欢夜间活动, 像山猫, 而另一些人则远离了夜间活动, 就像夏天的渔夫.”

Additional observations included that bobcats and rabbits significantly reduced their activity in exurban areas during the summer, 而土狼和鹿则更喜欢夜间活动. The diverse responses in New Hampshire mammals highlight the complicated interplay between wildlife and human settlements spreading into rural areas.


图2 展示各种动物在不同季节和栖息地的活动模式. 山猫在夏季(A)和冬季(B)的活动模式, 以及土狼(C)和白尾鹿(D), 进行了分析. 这项研究是利用新罕布什尔州东南部的相机陷阱探测数据完成的, 美国, 2021年夏季和2021年冬季. The study differentiated between exurban areas (marked by yellow dashed lines) and rural areas (represented by gray solid lines). 在这些物种中, 他们所有人的活动模式都表现出统计学上的显著差异, 除了山猫的冬季活动模式.

“The research sheds light on species-specific behavioral changes that could affect mammal communities as rural landscapes become more developed,莫尔说。. “活动行为的变化可能是未来人口减少的早期预警信号, or it could simply indicate that these species are able to successfully adapt to exurbanization by altering their behaviors.”

Future research by Moll and his team will focus on identifying whether behavior changes indicate either adaptation or possible population decline.

“无论是那种构成方式, understanding these complex wildlife adaptations will be key for managing mammal populations amidst expanding suburbs,他补充道.


花岗岩州仍然是一个比较农村的州, 美国将25个地区定为“城市”.S. 人口普查局, i.e., 密集发展的住宅, 商业和/或非住宅城市地区包含至少2,000个住房单位和至少5,000人. 相反, 该州大约一半的人口生活在农村社区, 那里的平均人口密度约为每平方英里47人. The 2020 Census also identified 25 areas around the state as “urbanized” or “urban clusters”—often encompassing the growing suburbs in and around cities. 它就在这些低密度的“远郊”地区或附近, 半农村住房和主要城市中心以外的社区—which are experiencing rapid growth in New Hampshire. And it’s in these where less is known about the behavioral responses of mammals to the changing habitat as it becomes more fragmented 主要是住宅.

本材料是基于工作支持的 NH农业试验站 通过联合资助 美国农业部国家粮食和农业研究所 (根据哈奇奖号1024128)和新罕布什尔州. Additional funding was provided via the Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act Grant No. F21AF01526 (w - 112 r - 1), 新罕布什尔渔猎系和澳门葡京网赌游戏.

该作品由Mairi Poisson ' 23G共同撰写, 安德鲁·巴特勒11届, Patrick Tate ' 99 ' 07G, 丹尼尔·伯格隆11G和雷明顿·莫尔.

With more than 81 percent of New Hampshire represented by forested lands home to more than 500 vertebrate animals, 花岗岩州的野生动物种群对生态至关重要, 休闲, 国家的经济可持续性.
New research from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station examines factors that affect skunk abundance in the region and across the United States, underscoring the importance of collaborative databases in providing information for large geographic and broad-scale studies of understudied species.
主要研究 researchers are using trail cameras to develop more efficient and accurate ways to monitor fur bearers in New Hampshire.