主要研究-based mapping agency receives $1M to identify areas of state where broadband is lacking


NH花岗岩, a mapping agency for the state based at the University of New Hampshire, 从联合国获得了近100万美元的援助.H. Department of 业务 and Economic Affairs (BEA) to inventory and map statewide broadband coverage that is currently available as well as what is proposed for the state’s businesses, 教育工作者和公民.

“的 information we pull together for this project is important because it will help identify areas in the state that are served by current technologies as well as those that could use improvement or are completely lacking, 哪些能真正影响企业和公众, 特别是对于那些生活和工作在服务不足地区的人,大卫·贾斯提斯说, 项目总监.

 的 mapping effort will collect primary data from roughly 32 fixed broadband providers who currently offer service in the state, 以及接收宽带的社区地址. Specific house addresses will not be publicly available on the maps but will be converted into broader road segment data. That information combined with service data and other geospatial data available from NH花岗岩 will be used to develop state-level broadband availability maps, identifying areas in the state that are being served by current technologies as well as areas that are underserved or don’t have any coverage at all.

"Accurate and available mapping of where broadband exists in our state is crucial for the well-being of our citizens and businesses,泰勒·卡斯韦尔说, BEA专员. "As the state continues to allocate resources toward these important projects, 显示宽带存在的地方和, 更重要的是, 它需要去哪里, will guide us in future decisions and provide enhanced communication opportunities to our stakeholders."

NH花岗岩团队将与BEA合作, 顾问斯科特·瓦尔考特, 东北大学和卡罗尔·米勒, 国家数字公平合作组织, 以及区域和地方利益相关者.

NH花岗岩 System is located at 主要研究’s Earth Systems 研究 Center and serves as the state geographic information system clearinghouse — creating, 管理, 分析和映射所有类型的数据.

的 联合国大学地球、海洋和空间研究所(EOS) 是联合国大学最大的研究企业, 由六个以跨学科为重点的中心组成, 对地球和气候系统的高影响力研究, 空间科学, 海洋环境, 海底测绘和环境声学. With approximately 100 principal investigators 管理 more than 400 individual grant awards, 年支出超过7700万美元, EOS fosters an intellectual and scientific environment that advances visionary scholarship and leadership in world-class and graduate education.  

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@wolaipei.com | 603-862-4465